
Built Upon the Rock

Recently our pastor preached a sermon on a parable that Jesus taught about the wise man who built his house upon the rock, and the foolish man who built his house upon the sand. I am sure you all know the story…The wise man built his house upon the rock, and when the rains came down, his house was firmly established. The opposite was true for the foolish man whose house was built upon the sand. His house was obliterated when the storms came.

A few nights ago I wasn’t able to sleep and while I was lying there, I started to think about the relationships in my life. I have had friendships of all kinds…new and old, short and long, deep and shallow. And of course, there are a lot of factors that go into building a friendship…personalities, chemistry, likes/dislikes, timing, need…etc. After all those things have been sifted through and friendships have been formed, I’ve come to realize one thing: the friendships that are based on trust and reliance upon our Savior seem to be the ones that weather the storms of life well. Like the wise man in the Lord’s parable, they are friendships that are built upon the rock.

It is a fact that the house built on the sand could use many of the same materials as the house built on the rock. The floor plan, decorations and even the exterior could be identical, but eventually, the structure built upon the sand will be revealed. And, as the rains come down, the unsure foundation will wash away and the struggling house will be weakened, until finally, it is either destroyed or rescued. It can be rescued if a better builder chooses to come in, restore the house and put in a new, secure foundation, but only then. How exciting to know that the love of Christ can and does restore the most dilapidated of structures!

An interesting side note: When things start to come unraveled, I tend to look at my friend and suggest that it is their fault that the foundation is not sure. Many times, in the storms of life, I forget that my foundation is securely built upon Christ and I look more at the billowing clouds and do my best to hide from the ensuing tragedy. My own forgetfulness has caused many stormy seasons in life. Misplaced trust in my own abilities and my own reasoning has resulted in loss and disaster.

It is raining outside my window and I am reminded of the promises of new life and restoration. I am looking forward to the rainbow after the rain. More than that, I am looking forward to the day when all relationships will be without blemish. The day when we will love perfectly and selflessly! I anxiously await the return of our King and His Kingdom!


2008 Reflections

Last year was so crazy, which is really nothing new,
It started off with friends most of whom I no longer talk to.
February and March were the worst months of my life as of yet.
I confronted an elder about some sin and the pain I still cannot forget.

The months April through June are frustrating still,
I learned what I am capable of when given up to my own will.
I lived my life as if it was my own life to waste
And regret is a flavor that I still can taste.

In July I met the man who would hold the key to my heart.
He was a gift from God and I needed him more than I thought.
Our friendship blossomed and more hard times came;
He lost, I lost, and we helped each other see through the rain.

In December we made a pledge of faithfulness and love,
And I am certain that our union was formed above.
God is so gracious in giving me my wonderful husband;
To submit to and love as a life long companion.

Days before the wedding my mom had a hemorrhage and scared us quite a bit,
Christmas Eve was spent in the hospital, which itself was quite different.
January brought a new diagnosis that threatened her life,
An anneurism was found and she had to go under the knife.
Many of His children gathered to pray as they performed surgery,
Successful in that with exciting news, but a very long recovery.
It was so scary to think that I thought I might lose my mom, my dearest friend.
But, the Lord brought her through that trial and was faithful once again.

Now Summer has come and has opened my eyes.
For God, last year came as no surprise.
He planned it all to bring me closer to Him.
He loves his own and He will always win!
Those times when I strayed; He used those too;
I am ever so thankful that every morning his mercies are new.



Two nights ago, while my husband was at a Bible study, I decided to cut down the magnolia tree in from of our condo. We have been talking about it for awhile, and so I thought I would get a start and trim the lower branches to make it easier when we actually cut it down. I knew that Todd had a hatchet in his Army gear that he mentioned we could use if we decided to go after it before we could borrow my dad’s chain saw. So, while still in my work clothes, I started whacking.

I quickly realized that this wasn’t something I was going to be able to just ‘quit’ on after a little while, so I set my mind to chopping down the tree. I was really nervous about which direction it would fall, but I remembered watching my dad and brother cut down some trees and decided the best angles to use. And that was that. I cut down the tree!

It took me about an hour and half to get the whole thing down and to haul off the top and remaining branches. While I was cutting, I was thinking about how difficult it was to cut down that little tree. Not to mention getting the roots up! (Which Todd and I did last night) It was only about 6 inches in diameter. I couldn’t help but think about the passage in Psalm 1.

1:1 Blessed is the man
who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
2 but his delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law he meditates day and night.

3 He is like a tree
planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.

4 The wicked are not so,
but are like chaff that the wind drives away.
5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;
6 for the Lord knows the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.

How easy it is for us to be blown to and fro like the chaff!
I want to delight in the Lord and have strength of even the smallest tree! I want to glorify my King. Only He can give me that strength, through His Word and through His Spirit working in me.

I just finished reading “The Silver Chair”, the second to last book in the Chronicles of Narnia. Jane is one of the children in that book, and her primary objective is to remember Aslan’s instructions and carry them out. In the beginning she repeats his instructions to her over and over again, but throughout the book, she is distracted by things of this world and soon forgets his simple instructions. I love the illustrations in both the Silver Chair and in the strength of the tree. I don’t claim to be a Theologian. There is much to talk about with both, but for now, I just want to encourage you as I have been encouraged.
Delight in the Lord, He is our strength!


Mid-April...and it's raining

I listened to "God Be Merciful to Me" at least 3 times today. Have you heard it? It's a hymn that was written from Psalm 51 I think. It is about our sin and God's grace. I was feeling very guilty today for a sin that I have already confessed and that has been forgiven by all parties.
I remembered something a friend told me as I listend to that song and my thoughts whirled around in my head...If I don't forgive myself for things that Christ has paid for, then I am robbing the Lord of His glory. Because I am trusting more in myself than on the Lord and His faithfulness.
It's so easy to say that we believe, but when it comes to things that we don't think He should forgive us for, because we can't forgive ourselves, it is so easy to fall back on our own ideas of things and forget how truly amazing His grace is.

Lyrics to God Be Merciful to Me
God be merciful to me, on Thy grace I rest my plea
Plenteous in compassion Thou, Blot out my transgressions now

Wash me, make me pure within, Cleanse, oh, cleanse me from my sin

My transgressions I confess, Grief and guilt my soul oppress
I have sinned against Thy grace, And provoked Thee to Thy face

I confess Thy judgment just, Speechless, I, Thy mercy trust

I am evil born in sin, Thou desirest truth within
Thou alone my Savior art, Teach Thy wisdom to my heart

Make me pure, Thy grace bestow, Wash me whiter than the snow

Gracious God, my heart renew, Make my spirit right and true
Thy salvation's joy impart, Steadfast make my willing heart

Broken, humbled to the dust, By Thy wrath and judgment just
Let my contrite heart rejoice, And in gladness hear Thy voice

From my sins, oh, hide Thy face, Blot them out in boundless grace


Warrior of the Year Update #2

Well, Saturday morning got off to an early start at the Grenade Assault Course. Todd went first and did really well. It was an awesome course, with barricades and different challenges. I actually wanted to get out there myself!
We got to talk for a few minutes and he told me about the Land Nav courses. He said that he tied for first in the day time and won the night Land Nav course.

After everyone finished the Grenade Course, we walked over to a HUGE Confidence Course. This thing was at least three football fields in length and breadth. There were a lot of challenges they had to tackle. Several of them were very high in the air; all of them looked very difficult. I was a little queasy as I watched Todd on some of these, just because I was nervous for him. The goal for this was just to finish all the obstacles successfully. Which Todd did; however, on one of them he took a pretty bad fall and hit his shoulder really hard. He caught himself and finished everything. This was towards the beginning of the course…he did finish it, but after the adrenaline wore off, he realized that his fall was worse than he thought.

The Medics took a look at him and sent him to the Emergency Room at the hospital. I went with him and after a few hours, we emerged with his arm in a sling, some STRONG pain medications, and the verdict of torn shoulder muscles. They recommended that he didn’t complete the competition for medical reasons, and he was in so much pain, that I don’t think he cared at the time.

We found out on Sunday morning that he was ahead by a very wide margin. He could’ve missed an entire competition and still been able to win. This was disappointing, but Todd says that he has no regrets. It was an amazing experience and we plan to go back and win it all next year.

The comradory that I witnessed in the soldiers was very moving. Hearing them cheer each other on and help each other through these grueling tasks was really something. The purpose was to push the soldiers to their limits, physically and mentally, and even in these harsh conditions, those soldiers shined. I was so proud that Todd was a part of this competition and was competing against such impressive soldiers. It was a bonus that he was winning!

Todd is feeling a little better today. He still doesn’t have full use of his arm, and the doctor recommended physical therapy after they do an MRI, but overall, he is doing well and is back to school.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. It means so much to us both!

Love, Danielle

(I'll add more photos soon!)


Warrior of the Year Update #1

Being an army wife is a new experience for me!
Todd and I are in Des Moines, IA for the Warrior of the Year competition. Todd has already won for our region, but now he is competing against soldiers from Nebraska, Kansas, and Minnesota. He is one of four sergeants competing. There are others here as well, but the only ones he is being judged against are those three.

We got here yesterday afternoon and checked in. Met the soldiers and commanding officers. Ate some Iowa Chops (they made a big deal of those pork chops, but I didn't think they tasted any different than Oklahoma Chops), and then Todd had to take a 25 question test and write an essay. He felt like he did really well.

I am the only family member that came! We didn't find out until we arrived that Todd has to stay in the barracks with the other soldiers. We had a reservation for a apartment on base, but they asked if I wanted to stay with the female soldiers in the barracks because it was free!! Yikes! I have NEVER liked community showers...and I can guarantee that I NEVER will. NO BARRACKS FOR ME!
When we found that I didn't get to stay with Todd, I felt a little tear well up, but I told myself that I had to be tough because I was surrounded by soldiers. And I was tough. I felt proud of my secret victory.

This morning began at 0430 for the soldiers. I met them at the area for PT training at 0530. They did the push up and sit up physical fitness test and Todd won both of them I think. I know he for sure won the push ups. He had to do as many as he could in 2 minutes. He did 87 push ups and 79 sit-ups.

After that they had a 2 mile run. He has been training for this and has run that in less than 12 minutes, but today it was 31 degrees and he ran it in about 13 minutes. He came in third for that. He was a little disappointed, but it was FREEZING and he has a pretty bad chest cold on top of that. So, I was still proud!

At 1030 we went out to the rifle range where they had to qualify with M16s. He told me he did okay, but I showed his paper to some of the people out there and they said that he did GREAT. He's so modest.

After that, the boys went to chow and I had to say goodbye for the day. They were going to do a DAY/NIGHT Land Nav course and I couldn't go watch that part. =( It sounded like fun though!

I probably won't see Todd again until tomorrow. At first I thought that I shouldn't have come, but I have had so many soldiers tell me how much it means to them to have family members there and Todd has thanked me time and time again for coming...I just told him that someday, when he is a CRNA he's just going to get to make it up by taking me on a great vacation to Hawaii or Europe. ;)

Tomorrow begins at 0700 at the Confidence Course where they will be tested mentally and physically. If you think of it, please pray for Todd this weekend. Primarily for his safety and health!



How Do I Love Him?

Spring is so refreshing. I love the sounds of birds chirping outside my window. I love driving with the windows down and feeling the breeze on my face while listening to my favorite Caedmon’s Call songs.

It is so hard to believe that it is Spring! I got married in December, a little over 3 months ago.

It is a short amount of time to be married, much less than anything else I have experienced, but being married is my favorite! I love going home every night with my best friend. I love him so much. But, much less than I should. I know I still love myself more, even if I wish that wasn’t the case. There is a Steven Curtis Chapman song about loving your spouse. It is about his wife, but I think it could apply to both wives and husbands. The title is: How do I love Her? He is asking the Lord to show him how to love his wife. The verses below from that song are sweet:

Out of all the gifts You've given
Besides the very gift of life
There is none as precious to me
As the treasure of my wife

And still all the love in my heart
Is like a raindrop to the sea
When compared to Your love for her
And thats why I ask You please
Will You teach me what she needs
I'm a earnest man
When it comes
To learning how to love this woman

It is so neat that no matter how much we love our spouse, God loves them SO much more. Remembering that God loves Todd that much is so amazing to me and it encourages me in my efforts to love him. It drives me to trust in God for my love for Todd to grow, rather than on myself or my works.
The same is true in our salvation. When we rely on ourselves to grow and we try to do things to love God more, we won’t succeed. But, when we trust in Christ and look only to Him, He will strengthen us and produce love and fruit. Proverbs 3:5-6 has been on my mind a lot lately: “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and He will direct your paths”.
Sometimes things with my church, work, family, relationships, etc can be so confusing, but keeping that verse in mind is always a comfort. I hope it can be a comfort to you as well. And if you haven’t heard the song that I referenced, it is on Steven Curtis Chapman’s album, All About Love. It’s a fun collection of songs…great for cleaning house! =)