“From all that I had read of history and government of human life and manners, I had drawn this conclusion, that the manners of women were the most infallible barometer to ascertain the degree of morality and virtue of a nation. The Jews, the Greeks, the Romans, the Swiss, and Dutch, all lost their public spirit and their republican forms of government when they lost the modesty and domestic virtues of their women.”
-President John Adams
I came across this quote and it stopped me in my tracks. I wondered what John Adams would say if he could see through time and view America today. From his conclusions above, I know that he would probably not be surprised at the state of our nation after he saw the way that the women of today behave and dress. I am saddened to say that he would probably not be surprised even if he were to look at my own life.
Thus, I was inspired to write this note to my friends and acquaintances. To those of you are daughters of the King of Kings, who profess Christ as your Savior, and thus are part of the family of God, to my sisters.
Why do we act the way that we do? Why we do let this world dictate how we dress and act?
Ladies, this world tempts us to be immodest and to discount domestic virtues, but what John Adams said really stood out to me, and it also reminded me about what the Bible teaches about modesty. I hate that I am easily tempted by this world...and often succumb to temptation...but, I am thankful that we have Christ, who has set us free from bondage to sin, and who reminds us by His word what is true. Honoring Christ is what really matters. Not what this world thinks of you, your clothes, your hair, or anything else. I wish I could remind myself of this all of the time, so I thought I would write this little note to encourage myself, and maybe encourage you as well. Let's help each other out! =)
(Especially during summer and the temptation to be like the world in our dress is even greater.)
To hear some excellent sermons by my pastor on Worldliness, visit: www.Owassobible.org and listen to sermon archives from last August. You’ll see them.