
Christmas Idols & Partying Hard

Recently, I had a revelation that took me through a series of thoughts and lead me to this conclusion: Christmas is an idol in my heart. 

When thinking about Christmas time I always think about spending time with family and friends. I love Christmas movies, Christmas music, Christmas decorations and Christmas food. But, the thing that I truly treasure at Christmas time is the time we spend with family. I don’t care what we do. I just love for everyone to be together. Typically, what I love most is spending time around the fire on Christmas Eve, sipping my mom’s world famous hot cocoa, and sharing in the joy of being together. Then piling in the car to look at Christmas lights and go to our church’s Christmas Eve service. Christmas gifts and Santa aren’t that big of a deal in our house. We celebrate the coming of our King to earth, to take on human form, and eventually take on our sins at the cross so that we might live. 

It’s interesting that as we have adapted to celebrating Christmas with multiple families that I’ve started to see how all those things that I mentioned above have become an idol to me. The actual day of Christmas is not really what I’m talking about in reference to my idol. It’s this season. I want to celebrate Jesus’ birth the way that I want to celebrate it. I want to be with the people I want to be with during this most joyful time. I don’t want to be around manipulative, selfish, unloving people who want to control things…oh wait…didn’t I just describe myself?


I realized this year, that my idol of wanting to celebrate my own way has made the celebration Jesus coming to earth less than it should be. I learned through my sinfulness that in order to truly celebrate the coming of Jesus to earth I NEED to be around the people who are difficult to be around who don’t know Him and I NEED to LOVE them. He didn’t come to earth so I could celebrate in the way that I want to celebrate. He came so that His people would be redeemed and God the Father would be glorified. There is no better time in the year to naturally and easily share the Gospel with the unsaved in our family. So, this year, I am going to PARTY HARD and enjoy every moment of being with those who are really just like me. 


To My Family in Christ: Our Experience with PTSD

I’ve heard church leaders say things similar to this: “PTSD doesn’t exist. It isn’t any different than a normal citizen witnessing something tragic or going through a tragedy.” And “If you suffer from PTSD, you just need to get over it and believe the Bible.” 

While not every church leader/goer is that extreme, I have heard things like this before and based on my own past beliefs, I know there is room for growth in this area.

I’m writing this as the wife of a combat veteran. I’ve learned so much through the course of our five years of marriage and recently realized the need to share some of this knowledge with the Christian community. 

My husband, Todd, is a veteran of the Operation Iraqi Freedom War. He joined the Army reserves just a few months after he turned 18. During his first semester of college at Oklahoma City University, he was deployed to Iraq. Less than two years after his first 18-month deployment to Iraq, he volunteered for a second deployment to Kuwait. He and I live in Broken Arrow, Okla. with our sons, Cody and Shane, and are members of a great Bible teaching church. 

This article intends to share with the Christian community some information that I believe has been missing from conversations to and about soldiers suffering from PTSD, with hope that my friends and family in Christ will gain understanding on how to approach soldiers who return from war. I’m not writing to condemn the church or those with misinformation, but rather to inform people who haven’t had any first-hand experience with a veteran.

When our U.S. soldiers arrive at their location half-way across the world to start their job, the attacks start. They don’t have a moment to get settled in. They are secluded from the support of their families. They are secluded from their churches. They have only their fellow soldiers as their family. These fellow soldiers are comprised of every type of belief: Wiccan, Catholic, Baptist, Atheist, Muslim, etc. And their deployment starts by having bombs (mortars) sent into their “home” and attacking their “family” everyday. The attacks don’t end there. They’ve just begun. When the soldiers start their job away from their temporary “home,” day after day they wait for the other versions of these cowardly attacks that they have been trained to defend. Attacks that could be a small child placed in their view with a hidden bomb, or a coward hiding out with a detonator and a roadside bomb.  They are essentially paranoid, but not in a bad way – in the only way they can survive kind of way. 

Then one day, they are driving down the road of Baghdad and it happens: a rocket is launched directly at their motorcade, followed by a stream of bullets. They are trying to defend their “family,” and then one of their fellow soldiers gets injured and some are killed. This is just the first wave of the attack. It lasts hours and hours…hour after hour of being stranded in a motorcade, trying to survive, waiting on the truck at the front that has been disabled by enemy fire on a narrow street in Bagdad to be moved…hours and hours of being sitting ducks. Todd has said this type of fire-fight physically feels like playing four football games back to back with no breaks. Emotionally, he can’t describe it.

Then they have to go “home” and debrief with their Atheist, Wiccan, and Roman Catholic support. Debriefing includes cleaning out the trucks so they can be used the next day. They have to clean the trucks because their fellow soldiers who were killed or wounded in battle left bodily remains – a graphic reminder of what they’ve just been though.  They may or may not have some alone time to process what just happened, and finally fall asleep from exhaustion. They wake up the next day to go do their job again – their job where they expect to be attacked again, in one of the dozens of different ways that they could be attacked…

They go through some time of just having bombs sent into their home (just) and then they go out to do their jobs again and they are attacked in another cowardly way. They are attacked by a roadside bomb and their truck is blown up. They are stuck in the middle of the desert, without wheels, with millions of dollars of equipment to protect, let alone their lives, and they are left to wait again…wait to be attacked, all the while, ears ringing, head pounding and praying.

This is just a very small example of a few of the catastrophies my husband experienced, but I know many of our soldiers go through situations like this and worse. 

The third country nationals (foreign civilians contracted by the US) who Todd supervised gave him the title “Pastor.” He was in the Word as often as he could be. He drove his Wiccan partner crazy by listening to Christian music in their truck when he was driving. His journals are amazing to read. His heart was set fully on His King and he was an evangelist in those trials. He had nothing else to cling to but God and His Word, and he would say that the time in his life during these trials was a sweet time of growth and communion with the Lord. 

As a soldier, he was excellent: the youngest in his unit to be promoted to Staff Sergeant and was accepted to West Point after his first deployment at the age of 21. He chose not to attend, instead opting for a second deployment. 

I say that not to brag on my husband, but to tell you that even someone with a strong faith who is also a strong soldier can suffer from PTSD after experiencing such traumatic circumstances.

When he came home from his second deployment, it was as much a battle to re-adjust as it was to leave. His entire world had been vastly different for years. When he came home for good, he had suffered a traumatic brain injury from his truck being hit by a roadside bomb, he had degenerative disc disease in his back, and he suffered greatly from violent night terrors, flash backs, panic attacks and depression. He sought biblical counseling from his church in Choctaw, OK. He went to multiple pastors and asked for help. Sadly, they didn’t even give him time to share his story. Granted, with veterans, sometimes it takes a long time for them to open up. They simply gave him some scriptures, scriptures that he already knew, and told him to change his thinking. But his thinking had been trained into him for over five years, and living everyday knowing that people were trying to kill him, that he had to be prepared to kill people, and the reality of those things coming to life would require more than someone telling him: “change your thinking”. This left him with the only other resource he knew of, The VA hospital. Which had some great people willing to help, but it wasn't the family type of support he needed from his church.

Unfortunately, even though thinking can be changed, sleeping causes most of my husband’s problems.  Sleeping is when nightmares happen, and the nightmares usually seem very real, which makes the rest of the night very difficult. Sleeping is very important for everyone, and especially in my husband’s case, because he developed a seizure disorder from the traumatic brain injury and without rest he is much more likely to have a seizure. 

There are also flashbacks. I think most people don’t understand that flashbacks are uncontrollable. Flashbacks happen in the most random times. You see a pile of trash in your neighborhood and suddenly, without trying to think of it... you see a bomb and it literally sends you back to the streets of Iraq. These veterans do not want to dwell on the traumatic war experiences they endured. Most of them are strong and determined, but they come home to a completely different world, and in spite of having a completely unique and amazing experience, they still want to be normal.  They want to be able to drive down the highway without being catapulted back into a life-or-death situation by seeing something as common as gas tanks on a semi truck. So, simply telling a veteran to change his thinking and memorize a few scriptures lacks the understanding and compassion that these vets need.

As a Christian, Todd memorizes scripture and uses it to battle these situations. Thankfully, he has been given much grace. His battles are not as bad as they were when he first came back. He relies on the Lord for his strength. He believes and trusts that those trials were used for his good and is thankful for those circumstances. But it’s a situation that we have been through for so long, and the ability to overcome PTSD and transition back into civilian life has not been an easy journey. 
I believe it would be a great benefit to our veterans if the church could get a better understanding of what these men and women have gone through and how our distant, doubting, and minimizing attitude affects these servicemen.   It is hurtful that so many of our brothers and sisters in Christ treat our soldiers as if they are being overly dramatic, or that they are no different than any other citizen experiencing trauma.

Maybe I’m passionate about this because I used to be one of these people!  I didn’t get it. For years, I thought Todd was just being self-focused in his times of depression. I didn’t understand some of the things that he couldn’t control, like the nightmares and flashbacks.  I had no frame of reference for what he and his fellow soldiers experienced, and unfortunately, I had been taught that PTSD was a made-up illness. The turning point for me was living life with Todd. The more I am with him, the more I see the strong faith of the man I referenced above. The more I see the desire to overcome these obstacles and the will to not become complacent. The more I hear from his experiences, the more I slowly begin to understand the circumstances that are so foreign to myself and to so many Americans. I love the Lord and desire to love His people, but it took me years to understand how unloving I was being to my own husband in this area. 

Now that I have learned more, I don’t want fellow believers to do what I did and ignore or demean combat veterans’ experiences. They fought and bore hardships, thus allowing us to continue living a life of freedom and enjoying our religious liberties. They selflessly went to War only to come home and be told they are being too self-focused. 

My initial thought in writing this was that the church is doing a disservice to our servicemen, but I know it isn’t intentional. And it’s my desire that other soldiers who return from War with mental and physical battles will have a warmer welcome back into the body of Christ. Maybe if more people can get a small glimpse into my husband’s story it won’t take as long as it took me to acknowledge the battles of these men and women.

So, what is the solution? I’m not 100% sure. But, I know that love and understanding are at the heart of it. I know that Todd tells me that when I simply acknowledged the reality of combat and the uniqueness of what he had been through, he felt the support he needed at home. I know that the more I listen and the less I talk, the better our conversations get. I know that Christ provides perfect peace and James 1 tells us to ask for wisdom without doubting and He will give us that wisdom. I know that to love others as myself sometimes means holding my tongue and waiting to actually get to know the person before making judgments on their experiences. And I know that the only solution to any of these trials is not in the psychology of modern thinking, but it is in the Word of God. If anyone finds himself experiencing life with a veteran, I recommend they seek God’s wisdom for how to handle the situation. It’s so easy with half of our churches being opposed to psychology and the other half embracing it to discard PTSD or to treat it with techniques and tips that aren’t from the Bible. Balance is needed and I believe it can be found.


Wherefore art thou Community?

  1. 1.
    for what reason.
  1. 2.
    as a result of which.
  1. 1.
    a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.

  2. 2.
    a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.

Last week I was approached by a woman in Hobby Lobby that made a distinct impression on me. But, before I tell you the conversation we had, let me set the scene: Shopping with Cody and my mom, feeling totally distracted by Shane kicking my ribs (35 weeks then) and thinking of all the things I want to accomplish before this little guy arrives. Cody, was in his usual friendly state and said his very familiar "hiiiii" to most people in the store. When we passed this woman and her little girl who looked to be about 3 or 4, Cody said "hiiiii" to which the mom  sweetly responded and said hi back. She looked different. She had a very big hairdo with a bun, a denim skirt, and no makeup. I think she was probably Pentecostal. Her voice and manner of speaking on her phone as we lingered near each other for a minute  was very sweet, and I thought to myself in that moment, "even though we probably have very different beliefs, I think this woman is my sister". 

And that was that. We continued walking and she continued giving directions on her phone.

About 10 minutes later we were on the other side of the store and she came to find us to ask us about the flowers she had in her hand. She informed us that they were for her son's tombstone because he had recently died. She said it so simply and matter-of-fact, but there was sadness and peace mixed in her voice. She wanted to know if we thought the yellow and orange flowers she picked out would be boyish enough for his headstone. And, I'm assuming she came to find us because we had a little boy with us. 

I assured her that they were boyish enough as I held back tears and asked her how old he was. I guess since she was willing to tell us that her son had died, I assumed that she wouldn't mind being asked questions. He was 12 hours old and she said she was just so grateful to be able to hold him. She knew going into her delivery that his chances of survival were near impossible. She said "the Lord knew what we needed" and my earlier thoughts about this woman being my sister were further confirmed. I held back tears during our short interchange and we parted paths. 

Later that evening I received word from a close friend that a family they were close to had lost their 2 year old son to cancer. His mom posted about him that night and as I read about his personality, which was so much like Cody's, I sat and cried for hours. 

Both of the moms in these stories had such a peace about them. They were most definitely sad and deeply grieved by the loss of time on earth with their sons, but they both knew that their sons were with their Father in heaven.

After hearing of these stories and after all of that emotion, I decided I needed some time to just hang out with Jesus and wanted so badly for him to come talk to me and tell me about his faithfulness and plan in all of this. I am so thankful for the technology that we have today that will read to you when your eyes are too tired to read for yourself, and so I listened to the Gospel of John. 

I felt comforted and was able to rest but the lingering thoughts about these stories were still with me the following day.  The most common thing I think about when things like this happen is "What is the Lord preparing me for?" I know that is wrong and selfish. I should be more concerned about the others who are involved. But, I'm more concerned about myself. So, I wonder, is Shane going to be born with a problem and die or is something going to happen to Cody, or maybe it's just that I need to be prepared for tragedy and something is going to happen to Todd, and so on and so forth...

All of these types of thoughts consume my mind and then He chastises me. He reminds me of His word. OH THANK YOU LORD for Your Word! 

  • Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 13 And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account. 14 Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
  • Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
I could continue to post more and more promises and chastisement from His Word but you get the gist. I was struggling and I needed to be reminded that what I was thinking about was not true and therefore it didn't need to be thought about. Be anxious for nothing!!

If the Lord does decide to bring a trial into my life, I know several things about that. 1) It is intended for my good. 2) It is because He loves me 3) I will be able to endure it in His strength 4) It is for His glory

So now why the title of this post? 

What does any of this have to do with community?

First off, it has to do my church. I could not say more about how thankful I am to have MANY godly women to look to for guidance during trying times. I am SO DEEPLY thankful for the mentoring program we started where I have been able to be mentored personally for over a year and a half by an amazing older woman, and have now had the chance to start mentoring a younger girl myself. What a blessing it has been! 

I honestly think I would have continued in my worried state of anxiety much longer had I not been in the Word and spending time with fellow believers in community together. 

Secondly, the Lord has called us to live in community together, but it seems that many of us are still little islands trying to get by on our own. Even with busy and hurried schedules, it is so important to have fellowship with the body of Christ. Especially on more days than Sunday.  

Lastly, I hope this was an encouragement to you. If your church doesn't have a mentoring program set up, just find an older godly woman and ask...just do it. It will be so worth it!!

Great Article on Informal Mentoring


My Green Wedding Ring - Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I always love St. Patrick's Day because I am covered when it comes to wearing green! My wedding ring has two emerald's in it, and it's always fun to think about why my ring has two emeralds. Todd designed every bit of this ring without any of my input and when I first saw it, I have to admit, it was not what I expected! But, after learning about why he chose each part specifically, I loved it! And since then, I have loved it more and more! We shared the ring description with those who were at our wedding, but I thought since it has been 5 years, it might be neat to share again, so here you go!

Gold:   We are gifts to each other, blessings from God, but we are not each other’s final destination. We are not eternally complete by or in our relationship to each other. God holds us accountable to help each other along our present path toward the golden streets.

Diamond:        “Diamonds are forever”? Not quite. They burn in God’s wrath just like anything else. God, however, is forever. Alpha and Omega. Before we physically existed, we existed to him. He had plans for us, and he is finishing his work with us and others, even beyond our earthly lives if he so chooses. He was our Creator in the beginning. He is our counselor and shepherd in this time. He will be our judge and our joy in the future, world without end.

Green (emeralds):        In God, by Jesus Christ, we are no longer walking dead. We have life, walking evergreen, bearing good fruit in season. As individuals, we are alive. As companions, we have a relationship of vibrant, green health. Our roots, our foundations, are solid, the Word of God itself. When (not if) troubles come; when trials, tests, attacks, adversities come, we will not fall, and what’s more, we’ll remain intact, alive, continuing to bear good fruit, because HE will not fail.

Heart Shape:   As a guideline for our family, we govern our lives by this principle:  “better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a fattened ox and hatred with it.” We do not sacrifice our love to God, to each other, or to others for worldly wealth, money, possessions, positions, or experiences.

The Number Three – two emeralds plus one diamond equals three:  Our marriage relationship is not whole if it does not include three:  God, Todd, and Danielle. Likewise, it is not complete if it is not carried out under God, in God’s ways, and if we do not conduct ourselves towards each other and others out of the God-recreated hearts within us. This we know not only from scripture, but also from experience.

Diamond Between Two Smaller Emeralds:  God has not forsaken us to this world. Our Lord came and left and will come back, but he did not leave us alone in this present time. God is with us:  our teacher, counselor, and guide. God is still with us in every breath and every step.

Clear Diamond Versus Occluded Emeralds:   God, represented by the diamond, is perfect; in him there is no imperfection. His holiness is absolute. If one wants to see original beauty and magnificence far surpassing the remnants that remain in this fallen world, they need to look only to God, for he alone is perfect, holy, and beautiful – the source of all that is good. We, represented by the two emeralds, in comparison, are not perfect...yet. As followers of Jesus Christ, children of the one God, perfection is part of our destiny. However, we are not perfect yet, hence the visible imperfections in the emeralds. Our perfection is a process initiated and continued on by God. He will not quit. Our time is coming...

Size of Diamond Versus Size of Emeralds:     If one ever thought they could stand toe-to-toe with God, they would be sorely mistaken. God is terrifyingly awesome, able to end human existence with but a single breath. Sooner or later, every knee will bow to God’s awesomeness, and every tongue will confess that Jesus is King. Some submit now, some do not. Eventually, all will. God is greater than us. There is no escaping him or his truth. We encourage all to submit to God now. As for our family, we indeed submit.

Emeralds Have Three Sides:   We are multi-facetted beings – not just body, not just mind, not just spirit. We are all three, combined into one whole. We were created in God’s image, three-in-one. Thus, in our interactions, we remember this and do not neglect each other’s full being. To fully care for each other, we care for each other’s body, mind, and spirit in Christ.

Emerald Triangles Point Toward Heart Diamond First, Then To Each Other:  God comes first. God is our first love, not each other. God loved us before anyone or anything else. We do love each other, but in the context that God first loved us, and that God has commanded us to first love him, then each other, in that order. We foresee problems arising in our relationship if we put each other, or anyone or anything else, before God. Similarly, we foresee blessings flowing in and through of our lives as we love God first, then each other and others.