
Mid-April...and it's raining

I listened to "God Be Merciful to Me" at least 3 times today. Have you heard it? It's a hymn that was written from Psalm 51 I think. It is about our sin and God's grace. I was feeling very guilty today for a sin that I have already confessed and that has been forgiven by all parties.
I remembered something a friend told me as I listend to that song and my thoughts whirled around in my head...If I don't forgive myself for things that Christ has paid for, then I am robbing the Lord of His glory. Because I am trusting more in myself than on the Lord and His faithfulness.
It's so easy to say that we believe, but when it comes to things that we don't think He should forgive us for, because we can't forgive ourselves, it is so easy to fall back on our own ideas of things and forget how truly amazing His grace is.

Lyrics to God Be Merciful to Me
God be merciful to me, on Thy grace I rest my plea
Plenteous in compassion Thou, Blot out my transgressions now

Wash me, make me pure within, Cleanse, oh, cleanse me from my sin

My transgressions I confess, Grief and guilt my soul oppress
I have sinned against Thy grace, And provoked Thee to Thy face

I confess Thy judgment just, Speechless, I, Thy mercy trust

I am evil born in sin, Thou desirest truth within
Thou alone my Savior art, Teach Thy wisdom to my heart

Make me pure, Thy grace bestow, Wash me whiter than the snow

Gracious God, my heart renew, Make my spirit right and true
Thy salvation's joy impart, Steadfast make my willing heart

Broken, humbled to the dust, By Thy wrath and judgment just
Let my contrite heart rejoice, And in gladness hear Thy voice

From my sins, oh, hide Thy face, Blot them out in boundless grace